
The main objective of our association

Representation and protection of the interests of the Hungarian insurance profession. In addition, our association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.

Our brief history

Since the end of the insurance monopoly in Hungary (1986), several insurance companies have been established in the country. The role of state-owned insurance companies was taken over by the newly formed public limited companies and insurance associations. At the same time, there was a radical change in the legal field of insurance, which required companies to concentrate their interests in a professional association.

On November 14. 1990. eight insurance companies founded the Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies (MABISZ).

Until now, the Hungarian insurance companies, insurance associations and the majority of hungarian branches of EU member states’ insurers joined MABISZ.

The activities of MABISZ

MABISZ’s activities are divided into two main areas: the professional advocacy activities of the association and the tasks related to third-party insurance.


In the framework of the association’s advocacy activity, the aim of our association is to represent the Hungarian insurance profession and to protect its interests. In addition, our association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest (eg prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud). The MABISZ’s divisions provide a forum where experts working in common areas can exchange their knowledge. In order to support the research and the work on damage prevention, we are working on a single damage statistics system and several common damage databases.

Being part of the European Union, the Hungarian insurance market is in close contact with EU bodies and other Member States. In order to maintain these relationships, MABISZ is a member of Insurance Europe, a European umbrella organization for insurance associations and keeps in touch with a number of other international organizations.

In the context of MABISZ’s social commitment, it places great emphasis on consumer protection, professional information on insurance and the education of the general public. In this spirit, our website also contains a number of information materials. MABISZ publishes several publications annually to the general public and its members, including the MABISZ Yearbook, as well as a press review (Insurance Review) and a professional journal (Insurance and Risk). The report of MABISZ can be seen here.

Tasks concerning third-party insurances

The MABISZ’s Separated Organization Unit (ESZE) has a statutory mandate for dealing with tasks concerning third-party insurances. Among other things, it handles the Compensation Account which provides compensation to victims who were harmed by vehicles lacking third-party insurance, or in other cases, when the one causing damage is unknown. Also MABISZ ESZE manages the Compensation Fund which role is to compensate people, who had their third-party insurance at insurers becoming insolvent. MABISZ ESZE also operates the Information Center for international claims settlement and the Hungarian Green Card Office. An also known activity is the operation of Central Damage History Registry for registering damages and Bonus-Malus degrees.

Executive Management:


Kisbenedek Péter

Zatykó Péter

Bertrand Woirhaye

Sztanó Imre

dr. Zolnay Judit

Lehel Gábor

Pandurics Anett


Erdős Mihály


Controlling Committee


Dr. Molnos Dániel Secretary general

Dr. Kerékgyártó Csaba Head of Non-Life Insurance Division
and Head of General Secretariat

Lambert Gábor Head of communication

Dr. Farkas Ramón Head of life Insurance Division

Kéri Zsuzsanna Head of Financial Accounting
and Controlling Department

Dr. Svecz Mária Head of Committee

Lencsés Katalin Head of Committee

Dr. Juhász Istvánné Head of Committee

Mészáros László Head of IT department

Szilágyi József Head of IT department

Czirók Zsófia Head of Secretariat


Dr. Péterfi Éva

Kiss Marianna

Bognár Gábor

Dr. Guba Imre

Lilli Róbert


Staff of the Bureau

Szabó Mihály, Head of Motor Claims Division

Dr. Rumi Tamás, Head of International Motor Claims Division

Kéri Zsuzsanna, Finance and Accounting

Dr. Horváth Zoltán, Chief Legal Officer

Bauer Zoltán, Head of Department

Turi István András, Head of Group

Dr. Varga Kristóf, Head of Group

Csillik Dalma Head of Group

Standing Committees, Commissions and Sections of MABISZ

Standing Committees and Commissions:

  • Health, Accident and Underwriting Committee
    • Medical Underwriting Commission
    • Travel Insurance Commission
  • Life Insurance Committee
  • Motor Insurance Committee
    • Motor Claim Settlement Commission
  • Communications Committee
  • Poperty Insurance Committee
    • Liability Insurance Commission
    • Industrial and Technical Insurance Commission
    • Homeowners’ and SMEs’ Insurance Commission
    • Agricultural Insurance Commission
    • Cargo Insurance Commission
    • Property Safety and Lost Prevention Commission
  • Business Committee


  • Actuarial Section
  • Internal Audit Section
  • CFO Szekció
  • HR Section
  • IT Section
  • Legal Section
  • Financial Section
  • Oktatási Szekció

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