



Connections and Members

Connections and Members

Member companies
Partner members
Reference System

The Hungarian Dependent and Independent Insurance Brokers’ Reference System is a recurring letter system for maintaining the operation of high-quality insurance brokers and for helping their survival on the market.

The system operates with the voluntary participation of insurance companies and independent insurance brokers.

International Relations

Insurance Europe (CEA)

Insurance Europe (formerly CEA *) is the “top association” which collects national insurance associations. It was founded in 1953 in Paris. MABISZ has been an associate member since 1992, and since 1998 it is a regular member of the organization. The goals of Insurance Europe include:

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Council of Bureaux (CoB)

In Europe, in the advanced motorized countries, they made compulsory the insurances covering damages caused by motor vehicles between the two world wars. After the war, one of the first aims of the ruined continent was to make sure, that the victim of a road accident is not disadvantaged, if the accident was caused by a foreign car.

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Presse Internationale des Assurances (PIA)

Our association – as the publisher of the Insurance Review – is a member of the international organization of insurance journals. The organization was founded in 1954 in Paris. The PIA currently has 18 permanent and 8 correspondent members, the scope of the organization is limited to Europe.

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Association International de Droit des Assurances (AIDA)

The international organization brings together insurance lawyers.

At the end of November 2006, the IX. AIDA Budapest Insurance Seminar was held in Budapest. The theme of the international conference, which is held in every two year, was “New trends in the legal regulation of insurance contract law”.

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International Committee of Life Insurance Medicine (ICLAM)

The insurance doctor is not only a healing specialist, but it plays an important role in insurances and on the market. Its activity connects to the establishment and operation of the insurance system in 3 main points.

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Green Card Bureau

Green Card Bureau


As per the definition determined by Act LXII of 2009  on Insurance Against Civil Liability in Respect of the Use of Motor Vehicles, the National Bureau is an organisation of Hungarian motor insurers providing compulsory motor liability insurance cover. This organisation is taking care of tasks related to co-ordination, the claims handling and settlements in the framework of the international Green Card System.

The history and aims of the Green Card system

Compulsory motor liability insurance was established in Europe between the First and Second World Wars in order to ensure the necessary indemnity for the traffic victims.

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Countries participating in the International Green Card System

In June 1952 the resolution of the Inland Transport Committee established the Green Card System with the participation of eight countries with effect from 1st January 1953. The eight countries were: Austria, Belgium, France, Netherlands, Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Within a half-year, another four countries (Denmark, Norway, Finland, Ireland) joined this system. In the next few years, most European countries followed them. Hungary has been participating in the Green Card system since 1961.

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Council of Bureaux

With a permanent location in London (and co-operating with the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations), the Council of Bureaux (CoB) is the main governing and representative body of the Green Card System. (established in November 1951.)

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The Green Card Agreement (Uniform Agreement between Bureaux)

The Green Card Agreement is based on two principles:

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Multilateral Guarantee Agreement (15th March 1991)

Due to the increase of the international motor vehicle traffic the idea to facilitate the operation of the system changed in spite of the satisfactory functioning of the Green Card system. The members of the Green Card system raised the idea of concluding supplementary agreements which are aimed at the elimination of producing and controlling the Green Card as a documentary evidence of the insurance cover.

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Internal Regulations (new unified agreement (1st July 2003)

During the parallel operation of the Uniform Agreement and its further development, the Multilateral Guarantee Agreement the idea of unification of the two agreements was first raised in 1999. The differences in the texts and as a consequence of this the different interpretations underlined the necessity of the unification.

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Frontier Insurance

According to Directive 2009/103/EC (Motor Insurance Directive), every vehicle normally based in the territory of a third country must, before entering the territory of Hungary, be provided either with a valid Green Card or with a certificate of frontier insurance establishing that the vehicle is insured in accordance with the Directive.

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Frontier Insurance

Frontier Insurance

According to Directive 2009/103/EC (Motor Insurance Directive) and Act LXII of 2009  on Insurance Against Civil Liability in Respect of the Use of Motor Vehicles, every vehicle normally based in the territory of a third (non-EEA) country must, before entering the territory of Hungary, be provided either with a valid Green Card or with a certificate of frontier insurance establishing that the vehicle is insured in accordance with the relevant laws.

The territorial scope of the frontier insurance policy extends beyond the territory of Hungary to the whole territory of the European Economic Area and Switzerland.

Currently it is possible to purchase frontier insurance policies at the designated branches of Allianz Hungária Zrt. The policy is valid for a period of 30 days, which can be extended if necessary. Claims settlement is performed by the National Bureau operated by MABISZ. 

The current premiums for frontier insurance are available on this page.

To conclude the contract and obtain a Green Card, please contact one of the Allianz offices below:


1102 Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 40. Telefon: + 36 30 407 0492
1133 Budapest, Kárpát u. 40. , Telefon: +36 20 926 4349
2837 Vértesszőlős, Határ út 1-3.
3200 Gyöngyös, Petőfi S. út 5.
4400 Nyíregyháza, Vay Ádám krt. 12.
4600 Kisvárda, Szent László u. 32.
4800 Vásárosnamény, Szabadság tér 6.
4900 Fehérgyarmat, Petőfi u. 2-4.
6721 Szeged, Csongrádi sugárút 12.
7200 Dombóvár, Pannónia utca 41. fsz.1.
7632 Pécs, Testvérvárosok tere 2/1
8800 Nagykanizsa, Király utca 29.


As a provisional and extraordinary measure to facilitate the entry of refugees to Hungary, the Managing Board of MABISZ has decided to put a significant discount on the frontier insurance premium of personal cars normally based in Ukraine. The discounted premium was in applicable between 03/03/2022 and 31/07/2022.   

The most convenient way for entering the territory of Hungary with Ukrainian registered vehicles is to take out insurance with one of the Ukrainian insurance companies that issue a Green Card. This is possible also online.

Lacking a Ukrainian Green Card, it is still possible to purchase Hungarian frontier insurance according to the general rules described above. 

In case a motorist intends to operate a Ukrainian registered vehicle in Hungary for a longer period of time, it is recommended to register the vehicle in Hungary with a Hungarian license plate and insure it with Hungarian insurance companies.


Як тимчасовий і надзвичайний захід для полегшення в’їзду біженців до Угорщини, Правління MABISZ вирішило зробити значну знижку на страхову премію прикордонного страхування особистих автомобілів, які зазвичай перебувають в Україні. Знижена премія діяла з 03.03.2022 по 31.07.2022.

Найзручнішим способом в’їзду на територію Угорщини на автомобілях з українською реєстрацією є оформлення страховки в одній з українських страхових компаній, які видають Зелену карту. Це можливо також онлайн.

Без української зеленої карти все ще можна придбати страховку на кордоні Угорщини за загальними правилами, описаними вище.

У випадку, якщо автомобіліст має намір експлуатувати транспортний засіб з українською реєстрацією в Угорщині протягом тривалого часу, рекомендується зареєструвати транспортний засіб в Угорщині на угорських номерах і застрахувати його в угорських страхових компаніях.


E-mail for general information (English/Hungarian):


Accident reporting

Claims report

In all the different cases where our office in his capacity, shall be obliged to indemnify for the losses caused by using a motor vehicle, the loss may be reported to any of the insurance companies providing motor insurance. In case it has already been established on the spot of the accident, that the user of the motor vehicle causing the accident was uninsured, it would be advisable for the claimant to report the loss to his/her own liability insurer.

Should the loss caused by a motor vehicle under foreign registration, it would be advisable to obtain the name of the liability insurer as well as the insurance policy number of the said vehicle. Should this information be made available, the time required for the settlement of the loss would be much shorter. Furthermore, it is recommended to make an inquiry either at our office or at any of the insurance companies prior to the notification of the loss, whether or not the foreign liability insurer involved, would have a so-called correspondent insurance company appointed to handling and settling claims arising from losses caused in Hungary. If so, then the loss should be reported to this insurance company or to an organization appointed by the said company to handle insurance claims. In such cases, this organization will be acting on behalf of the foreign liability insurer, during the whole process of claim settlement.

In case the foreign insurer does not have a correspondent, then as soon as the loss has been surveyed, the amount of the loss has been established and the necessary documents have been collected, the whole set of documentation would be forwarded onto our office for further handling of the claim.

It is imperative that all relevant information be obtained and all circumstances carefully established on the spot of the accident. The essential information necessary to start the claim settlement process are all included in the so-called (European) Accident Report Form.This is to be completed in full and with reasonable accuracy. One has to bear in mind, that a driver involved in an accident is legally obliged to advise all other people involved in the same accident of the details of the motor vehicle driven by him/her as well as the particulars of the respective liability insurance.

A common problem of claim settlement is, that in most cases of accidents involving a truck & trailer, only the registration number of the trailer is recorded, although the registration number of the truck would be necessary to identify the liable owner. It would be very helpful to record the name of the country where the truck is registered .The reason is that more and more countries are adopting identical or very similar registration numbering systems, especially those states established in the past few years.


The main objective of our association

Representation and protection of the interests of the Hungarian insurance profession. In addition, our association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest such as prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud.

Our brief history

Since the end of the insurance monopoly in Hungary (1986), several insurance companies have been established in the country. The role of state-owned insurance companies was taken over by the newly formed public limited companies and insurance associations. At the same time, there was a radical change in the legal field of insurance, which required companies to concentrate their interests in a professional association.

On November 14. 1990. eight insurance companies founded the Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies (MABISZ).

Until now, the Hungarian insurance companies, insurance associations and the majority of hungarian branches of EU member states’ insurers joined MABISZ.

The activities of MABISZ

MABISZ’s activities are divided into two main areas: the professional advocacy activities of the association and the tasks related to third-party insurance.


In the framework of the association’s advocacy activity, the aim of our association is to represent the Hungarian insurance profession and to protect its interests. In addition, our association considers among its tasks the coordination and management of activities within our members’ common interest (eg prevention of damage, education, protection against insurance fraud). The MABISZ’s divisions provide a forum where experts working in common areas can exchange their knowledge. In order to support the research and the work on damage prevention, we are working on a single damage statistics system and several common damage databases.

Being part of the European Union, the Hungarian insurance market is in close contact with EU bodies and other Member States. In order to maintain these relationships, MABISZ is a member of Insurance Europe, a European umbrella organization for insurance associations and keeps in touch with a number of other international organizations.

In the context of MABISZ’s social commitment, it places great emphasis on consumer protection, professional information on insurance and the education of the general public. In this spirit, our website also contains a number of information materials. MABISZ publishes several publications annually to the general public and its members, including the MABISZ Yearbook, as well as a press review (Insurance Review) and a professional journal (Insurance and Risk). The report of MABISZ can be seen here.

Tasks concerning third-party insurances

The MABISZ’s Separated Organization Unit (ESZE) has a statutory mandate for dealing with tasks concerning third-party insurances. Among other things, it handles the Compensation Account which provides compensation to victims who were harmed by vehicles lacking third-party insurance, or in other cases, when the one causing damage is unknown. Also MABISZ ESZE manages the Compensation Fund which role is to compensate people, who had their third-party insurance at insurers becoming insolvent. MABISZ ESZE also operates the Information Center for international claims settlement and the Hungarian Green Card Office. An also known activity is the operation of Central Damage History Registry for registering damages and Bonus-Malus degrees.

Executive Management:


Kisbenedek Péter

Zatykó Péter

Bertrand Woirhaye

Sztanó Imre

dr. Zolnay Judit

Lehel Gábor

Pandurics Anett


Erdős Mihály


Controlling Committee


Dr. Molnos Dániel Secretary general

Dr. Kerékgyártó Csaba Head of Non-Life Insurance Division
and Head of General Secretariat

Lambert Gábor Head of communication

Dr. Farkas Ramón Head of life Insurance Division

Kéri Zsuzsanna Head of Financial Accounting
and Controlling Department

Dr. Svecz Mária Head of Committee

Lencsés Katalin Head of Committee

Dr. Juhász Istvánné Head of Committee

Mészáros László Head of IT department

Szilágyi József Head of IT department

Czirók Zsófia Head of Secretariat


Dr. Péterfi Éva

Kiss Marianna

Bognár Gábor

Dr. Guba Imre

Lilli Róbert


Staff of the Bureau

Szabó Mihály, Head of Motor Claims Division

Dr. Rumi Tamás, Head of International Motor Claims Division

Kéri Zsuzsanna, Finance and Accounting

Dr. Horváth Zoltán, Chief Legal Officer

Bauer Zoltán, Head of Department

Turi István András, Head of Group

Dr. Varga Kristóf, Head of Group

Csillik Dalma Head of Group

Standing Committees, Commissions and Sections of MABISZ

Standing Committees and Commissions:

  • Health, Accident and Underwriting Committee
    • Medical Underwriting Commission
    • Travel Insurance Commission
  • Life Insurance Committee
  • Motor Insurance Committee
    • Motor Claim Settlement Commission
  • Communications Committee
  • Poperty Insurance Committee
    • Liability Insurance Commission
    • Industrial and Technical Insurance Commission
    • Homeowners’ and SMEs’ Insurance Commission
    • Agricultural Insurance Commission
    • Cargo Insurance Commission
    • Property Safety and Lost Prevention Commission
  • Business Committee


  • Actuarial Section
  • Internal Audit Section
  • CFO Szekció
  • HR Section
  • IT Section
  • Legal Section
  • Financial Section
  • Oktatási Szekció

CEO Club




The Hungarian Insurance Companies’ Yearbooks are prepared based on our members’ annual financial data. The goal of these Yearbooks is to provide information about the insurance companies’ annual results and to allow the reader to compare the industry’s trends and indicators historically.

See details


Since Q3 2000 on a quarterly and since 2017 on an annual basis, the Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies collects key data of the Hungarian insurance market and displays them on its website. Such key data are premium income by insurance type / major product categories and by company, and total premiums by insurance type, annual claim expenditure, closing portfolio and portfolio premiums.

See details

Annual reports

The Association of Hungarian Insurance Companies – in accordance with the law – publishes its annual reports (available only in Hungarian).

See details



The Association also seeks to demonstrate the individual and social benefits of insurance through large-scale events.
The MABISZ Conference is one of the most important events of the insurance companies in Hungary. One of MABISZ’s initiatives is the ‘Safety week’ for drawing attention to the safety of children and every other passenger. The ‘Secure yourself’ is a competition to sensitize the population, especially young people on the subject of insurances.


The annual international conference of the Association of Hungarian Insurer Companies is one of the most prominent event of the Hungarian insurance industry. The focus of the conference is always the customer service, the latest trends and the presentation of challenges. In addition, the event is also a special meeting for the sector’s decision-makers.

Safety Week

In 2017, at the initiative of MABISZ, a road safety and insurance themed week, called Safety Week was launched.
MABISZ co-organize the week with the National Accident Prevention Committee of the National Police Headquarters (ORFK-OBB). MABISZ cooperates with a number of organizations in connection with the themed week.

Secure Yourself! Competition

The competition targets the young generation, it aims to sensitize their interest in the insurance industry and to strengthen the relationship between the university students and the sector.
The event is organized by Case Solvers, which is itself a youthful company. They want to train the youngsters in a many-sided, problem-oriented way.

Public Procurement Conference

The presentations at this conference are about procuring insurance services and the requirements related to procuring building insurances.